Vote NO to the Pan Am Games in New City Park

We want Burlington City Park to BE a GREEN PARK for ALL living creatures,  not a 'competitive' soccer faciltiy driven by corporate & political interests played out on their 'members only'  fenced-in million dollar artificial turf.

Give us a NATURAL park full of native wildlife; one we can be PROUD of.

Give us a park that RESPECTS this wholly unique Earth Place.  Give us a park that Conserves and Protects this site specific bio-diverse eco-system on the wonderful Niagara Escarpment in Southern Ontario.

WE do NOT want 'imported' non-biodegradable artificial turf IMPOSED onto  the Living Earth of New City Park.
We, the undersigned, are asking Burlington City Council, the Niagara Escarpment Commission, and the organizing committee of the Toronto 2015 Games to RE-CONSIDER the proposed use of the Burlington's New City Park as an intensive 'training site' for the soccer matches of the PanAm/Paraban Games in the summer of 2015.

It is our belief that the 'new' Burlington City Park is the WRONG venue.

We want Burlington City Park to BE a PARK, not a 'competitive sports facility' catering to the 'requirements' of the PanAm Games playing out on THEIR artificial turf. We KNOW that with PanAm Games comes PanAm money for artificial turf. Yet, we believe the FUTURE FOCUS should not be on the money, but on the PARK.

Right now three fields of 'artificial turf' are slated to be 'installed'. Fenced-in non-bio-degradable, toxic synthetic plastic grass does not BELONG in a NEPOSS protected park. The water that will be used to 'wash off' the unidentified sanitizing chemicals, and used to 'cool' these 'heat islands' of plastic grass, will drain directly back into the watershed - untreated. 

How can this be 'Right'?  How is it SENSIBLE?  How is it SUSTAINABLE?

NO environmental or health assessment was done about artificial grass in the 'approved' Park Managemetn Plan of 2009. NO evaluation was done how this STuff will affect the surrounding ecologically sensitive parkland area. For the provincial and numicipal environmental 'regulatory bodies' to overlook THE OBVIOUS is a disgrace.


Please, listen to us, the residents and Grass-Roots lovers of THIS land.
Find an alternate 'sports facility' in the urban area with the infrastructure to support it.

Give us a NATURAL park; one we can be PROUD of.
 Give us a park that RESPECTS Nature - one that Conserves and Protects it.

We are NOW campaigning to GET the FAKE GRASS OUT after the Pan Am Games of 2015.

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