Justice for the abused animals
- von: Brenda S
- empfänger: Dewayne Price, Johnson County Sheriff's Department
a person or persons broke into another home and shot 4 dogs at point blank. One died, and the other 3 have extensive medical bills of recovery. We, the animal advocates of Johnson County Kentucky demand justice be served and that this person is charged for this heinous crime and pay restitution . Animal abuse is rampant in this County, and it's time to set a precedent by prosecuting those responsible. Please sign this petition and it will be presented to the Johnson County Sheriff.
We, the undersigned, respectfully request that your office give this case ample scrunity and investigation. We understand there are many pieces of evidence that should constitute an arrest on this case, yet one has not been made. Animals are God's creatures and deserve the same rights as all living things on this earth. We are using this petition to let you know that we care about this crime and the victims, and we expect action from your office. Thank you.
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