Ban Paraquat in the Cayman Islands

More than 20 dogs have died as a result of Paraquat poisioning in Cayman since the end of 2011. Even more alarming, the most recent incidents include deliberate acts intended to kill  family pets contained on leashes and in fenced yards. Our animals are not safe as long as this poison is allowed to be sold to the public.

Paraquat (Gramoxone) is highly toxic herbicide that has been banned in much of Europe and is heavily restricted in the US. It is potentially fatal to humans even in small doses and has no antidote - the effects are irreversible and lead to a slow, painful, inhumane death. There is no need for this poison in Cayman - there are a number of effective alternatives, and if the EU and US have deemed they can do without so can we.

It’s time to get with the times and ban this lethal toxin. Tell the Cayman Islands Government to outlaw the importation and sale of Paraquat, and tell local businesses to stop selling Paraquat immediately.

For more information please visit:

Thank you for your support

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