Nothing short of murder

Nothing short of murder!!

Question When is the law an ass?

Answer: when you comply with the letter of the law and they decide to murder your family pet anyway!

Nothing short of murder is the only way to describe what is about to happen to a loyal and friendly family pet- just because he is a pit bull.
But this dog is not just any old pit bull he was taken off his family four years ago by the police who tested or should I say tortured him to see if they could get a reaction from him the answer to that is was no. He passed every test which proved him to be a loving friendly and very approachable family pet. You would think this was enough to ensure that he would be able to live out his life with a family who loves him, but no a loop hole stating that he must stay with the registered owner even though the registered owner has left his family home after being married means that Kye (this is his name) is to be murdered because he can't move with the registered owner even though the home where he is, is where he has lived all of his life.
As a friend of the devastated family I feel that this is an injustice and must be looked into as the dog is still with the rest of the family who have brought him up and loved him, the murder is suppose to take place on Tuesday 9th August but I feel as would many other animal lovers who know that these so called 'dangerous dogs' are known to be just as loving as a pretty little poodle when they are owned by family's who train them and love them well.
Help me save Kye and other dogs who are being classified wrongly as dangerous! Especially when it's only for the fact that the registration isn't allowed to be passed over to another family member in the same house. 

Even though Kye is still going to be destroyed after my efforts in extending this petition to change the dangerous dog acts. It should be that and animal should be registered to the person on the housing papers those who are the home owner. 

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