Cox Radio: Apologize for hateful speech comments made by Cowhead

  • empfänger:  Cox Radio General Sales Manager (Jason Meder) Vice President & Market Manager (Keith Lawless) Program Director (Michael Sharkey) National Sales Manager (Jodi Rainey)

On Friday, July 6th at 3:30pm, a radio “personality” known as Cowhead, on 102.5 The Bone, in Tampa, FL, stated that “all pit bulls should die” during a live interview with Linda Blair, who starred in the ‘Exorcist’ and who runs an animal sanctuary called the Linda Blair WorldHeart Foundation.

Here is a transcription of his statements: After he calls Linda Blair a ‘retard,’ he goes on to say: ‘Find me an Olympic-size swimming pool. In it, put Linda Blair and then every pit bull, half -pit, bring that little frickin’ midget with the hat from the TV show, douse them with gasoline, throw in all the copies of this stupid Exorcist movie - this is what I think of your stupid movie. Throw them all in there and then set them on fire…and I want all of their little doggy heads to be spinning around as it goes down.’ He then goes on to say in regards to Linda Blair, ‘I hope a pit bull bites you on your private parts, you whore.’ This rant of his was a result of Linda Blair hanging up on him after he stated that children are mauled on a weekly basis by pit bulls. You may visit the Cowhead website ( to listen to the segment yourself.

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