Australia's largest animals, blue whales, are said to be at risk from "ships of deaf" run by the oil and gas industry, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.
A study has found that after a shift in control of seismic testing from the Federal Environment Department to an industry regulator, 67 per cent of key blue whale feeding and migratory areas will be exposed to seismic testing.
IFAW marine campaigns manager Matt Collis stated in the report: "Our analysis shows the Abbott government is failing blue whales, the largest and one of the most endangered animals on earth.”
"A moratorium on seismic testing for oil and gas should be declared in areas critical to blue whales for feeding and migration,” he added.
Whales heavily rely on sound for their survival. They navigate, locate prey and predators and attract mates through sound and are extremely sensitive to man-made noise which can damage their hearing at close range.
An industry regulator wants to allow these mammals to be at risk from “ships of deaf” but do Blue Whales deserve to be pushed to the brink once again because of human activity?
Please join me in urging the Australian government to enact measures to protect a species still classified as Endangered under the IUCN by ensuring that no seismic testing is carried out in blue whale feeding, breeding and migratory areas.
Please sign and share the petition.