Sign this petition to show support of the proposed ban of the dissection of animals in all grade levels in Boston Public Schools!
Here are just SOME of the horrifyingly important facts about dissection:
-Millions of animals are dissected in elementary, high school, and colleges every year.
-The cats and other animals are caught in the wild, from pet stores, shelters, and from the streets. Cats and animals that were lost from their homes, can end up on our dissection tables.
-Animals are removed from gas chambers and injected with a chemical called Formaldehyde, without having their vital signs being checked first (which is a violation of the animal welfare act). Formaldehyde is a severely irritating substance that causes a painful death. And if the animals survive the chemical injection, they are then drowned. Continuing the cycle of the painful killing of healthy and young animals.
-Studies also show that exposing students at every educational level to animal dissection as "Science," can discourage some from pursuing careers in science!
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Say No to dissection, be the voice for the lost lives of animals!