Amur leopards are teetering on the brink of extinction

  • von: Ismail A & Patricia Losch
  • empfänger: Russian Government to Enactment of a law criminalizing the killing or hunting Amur Leopards

The Amur Leopard once roamed all of Eastern Asia, but today it is extinct in China and the Korean Peninsula. Illegal poaching for their hides and rapid human development in their native habitat have driven this great cat to the brink of extinction . Unfortunately the wild Amur Leopard population has become dangerously low. the estimates say that between 1970 and 1983 close to 80% of the population was lost. the leopards are classified as "critically Endangered" the only levels of classification worse then Critical are extinct in the wild . currently there are only about 35 known Amur leopard left in the wild .

 I hope this greed of peoples will stop and appreciate the animal's life and what they mean for the planet and how they so important for us , and they have soul too can feel pain , they same as us but without voice to raise it .

The Amur leopard is important ecologically, economically and culturally. Conservation of its habitat benefits other species, including Amur tigers and prey species like deer. With the right conservation efforts, we can bring them back and ensure long-term conservation of the region.

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
In good news, the Amur tiger population in the national park has also increased.
The Amur Tiger Centre contributed to the effort to optimise hunting supervision in the Primorye Territory. Wildlife services were provided with more fuel, and emergency teams were equipped with cars, snowmobiles and quads.

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