Iowa - Protect Women's Rights and Say NO To Heartbeat Bill

The Iowa Senate Judiciary Committee has just brought a "heartbeat bill" to the full senate. The bill says that performing an abortion after a heartbeat is detected would be banned and penalized as a felony. The heartbeat can be detected at six weeks of pregnancy, sometimes even sooner. Most women do not even know they are pregnant at six weeks. Thus, this bill directly challenges the Supreme Court decisions that have guaranteed a woman's right to choose.

This is just a step in the direction of an all-out abortion ban and we can't let it happen. Sign this petition to tell the Iowa Senate to oppose this dangerous bill. 

It makes women unsafe. Safe and fair abortion access is an essential element in women's healthcare. This bill is not about protecting an unborn fetus, it is about controling a woman's body and it's unacceptable.

Sign this petition now to tell Iowa: we will not allow women's rights to be stripped of 40 years of progress. We support a woman's right to choose! Vote against the "Heartbeat Bill!"
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Bad news! The bill has passedin the senate , now it’s on the way to the house. Keep sharing the petition, we can’t let this happen!
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