Elephant Ride Ads Are Rampant in the UK Despite New Law

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Biosecurity, Animal Health and Welfare

Last year, UK MPs championed the rights of animals by passing the groundbreaking Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act, designed to halt advertisements for harmful animal attractions abroad, including elephant rides. Despite this progressive step, the law remains unenforced. Advertisements are rampant and elephant rides abroad are rising.

Sign the petition to demand the UKs Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Biosecurity, Animal Health and Welfare list elephant riding under harmful animal attractions abroad.

It's been over a year, and the necessary list of banned activities – critical for the act's enforcement – has yet to be defined. This delay allows unethical tourism businesses to flourish, promoting the mistreatment of elephants and other animals to UK citizens. 

Elephant attractions are not harmless fun. They involve severe animal suffering – beatings, confinement, and psychological trauma. 

Sign the petition to demand this law be enforced and stop the promotion of cruel animal attractions!

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