This Bill Could Undermine Decades of Environmental Progress

A new bill that masquerades as a boost for energy efficiency but is, in reality, a major boon for the fossil fuel industry was just approved by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Despite claims of bipartisan support and benefits for the power grid, the truth is that this bill would lock us further into dependency on fossil fuels and undermine decades of environmental progress.

Sign this petition to urge your Congress members to stand against this deceptive and dangerous legislation!

The proposed bill, touted as a way to speed up permitting for energy projects, is heavily criticized by environmental groups for prioritizing fossil fuel interests at the expense of public lands, public health, and the fight against climate change. It seeks to fast-track oil, gas, and mining projects, cutting short the time communities have to challenge these projects from six years to a mere 150 days. This drastic reduction in oversight time would severely limit public input and endanger the communities most impacted by these developments.

By signing this petition, you are calling on Congress to reject the harmful bill and to seek genuine, sustainable energy solutions that do not compromise our environmental and health standards. It's time for our leaders to prioritize the health of our planet and its people over the profits of big polluters.

Stand with us to protect our environment, health, and communities by demanding that Congress reject this harmful bill. 

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