Iconic, noble,& friendly Cecil the lion.
Murdered deliberately, sheerly out of avarice, egotism; and with brutality. He was well-loved, and a cherished treasure, a huge draw for tourism and the local economy; now gone for good... A rapidly dying species...
**From IFAW's Jeff Flocken/Rgnl Director: .."..African lion populations..dropping nearly 60% in the last 3 decades..as few as 32,000 remaining in the wild .. individuals matter for preserving the species...the killing of a dominant male. like Cecil, can..result in .deaths of other males, young cubs and females in that pride... -(Worse yet-) ....the rarer ..trophy hunted animals become, the more the hunters are willing to pay to kill them....(an) ..American hunter,...recently paid $350,000 to killa critically endangered black rhino in Nambia..."**http://t.co/WEvGaLME4j
.. Not only are his own 24 cubs in danger of being killed by his successor; but the impact of his loss as well as 24 of his offspring is one barely comprehensible. Consider how highly endangered the rapidly dwindling lion population already is!!
Dr. Walter J Palmer, & all those like him, must be forced to make restitution for their reprehensible acts.
We will soon face the day when there will be no precious wild souls left, and the human race will be left with only our shame for the part we all played in it!!
What Dr. Walter J Palmer and his 'guides' committed is, by now, a matter of public knowledge.
This is what is also known: the Dr. also has a documented history that shows proof of lying to cover up poaching; and also sufficient proof that he is not the 'kindly' doctor he's masqueraded as.
Dr. Walter J Palmer knowingly enlisted help from those he could bribe with his wealth, to aid him in -knowingly- enticing friendly, iconic, magnificent Cecil the Lion out of his protected Sanctuary and Domain. They then mortally wounded Cecil with a woefully inferior shot by bow and arrow...letting him suffer 40 hours before shooting him as he lay, helpless and in agony.
What they did was a fully deliberate act, motivated by greed, egotism, outright brutality and cowardice.
We can not just let him 'pass the buck' to his guides.
He shows all the symptoms of a psychopathic personality: devoid of either moral compass or conscience. Perfectly capable of hiding all duplicity and nefariousness beneath a seemingly benevolent countenance and public image.
He will construct and utter any lie necessary to cover up for his loathsome act., make no mistake!!
Dr. Walter J Palmer -must be prosecuted for his felonious and brutal act.
He was the 'facilitator' here!!!
Simply letting him off the hook is a clear signal - to him, and others like him - for more of the same. This is of utmost importance -Soon we will have no more wild animals left!!
Most Importantly:
-1. - He should also be made to pay vast sums in restitution:
to help in compensating the locals for the loss in tourism the iconic, amiable Cecil brought.
-2.He also needs to pay for the huge loss to conservation -the staggering loss of massive no.s of endangered species because of his kind must be amended!!
-3.He also has an obligation to finance a solution for preserving the lives of the 24 cubs of Cecil's prides(they stand to be be killed by his successor)
- 4:.Let him pay Wildlife experts & conservationists - such as the Oxford University research center( who worked with, knew & also loved Cecil)- to help mitigate this huge potential loss to the preservation of another severely endangered, magnificent wild species!!
.....Only then will he begin to know the gravity of his vile actions.
With he,& others like him, being made to bear full responsibility for the dire impact they wreak on planet Earth and all our Wild Souls; progress & awareness in Wildlife Conservation, in preserving vast numbers of gravely endangered species can be realized!!
.. We implore you to act justly and with due diligence on this,
and we thank you for your attention.
Update #4vor 9 Jahren
Dr. Palmer attempts to resume his life & practice, the arrogant 'prof.' hunter whom he bribed to help him kill Cecil - has been back to poaching & smuggling wildlife. Meanwhile, 'President' Mugabe's wife claims 'the dentist should be left alone'..NO DOUBT so they can keep reaping the vast sums Palmer & his kind pay. Which keeps them living in their ostentation,corruption & debauchery while Zimbabwe's humans & animals struggle under the tyranny, poverty, & brutalities inflicted by them.
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
Aug.10 - HAPPY WORLD LION DAY!! **You can honor Cecil, greatly impact our cause, petition & Cecil's Legacy. ~**Call//e-mail **Zimbabwe Embassy/Washington D.C.: *(202)-332-7100/ e-mails: info@zimbabwe-embassy.us/ info33@zimbabwe-embassy.us/Ambassador Mr.Ammon Machinbambi They Are Key Players!! /***Ex: Dear Ambassador Mr. Ammon Machingambi, LINK.:INFO -HINTS: copy, paste to FB
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
Just heard: details to come:
Jericho remains alive, thankfully - and Cecil's cubs safe for now. But it was revealed 2 other lions had been illegally shot.
America drags their feet in the extradition of Dr. Palmer .... more to come!!
Will post details tomorrow to contact Zimbabwe Embassy, in Washington!!
..we need to try harder than ever to make an impact!!
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Zimbabwe: Wildlife minister says extradition being sought for Twin Cities dentist who killed lion http://t.co/g9BvrUN90r
ZImbabwe officials push for extradition; U.S. Fish & Wildlife drags their feet for their 'wealthy dentist'. Time for added pressure!!!!