VETERANS AGAINST the PRIVATIZATION of the Veterans Administration Healthcare System

    The VA is Privatizing Veterans Healthcare, While Launching a Campaign to Deny it! You can Google this topic, and it comes up via the New York Times, and The American Prospect! This is happening NOW, and we MUST STOP THIS NOW!

    My name is Veronika Fimbres, and I am the First Trans Officer in the History of the City & County of San Francisco. Serving as Commissioner of Veterans Affairs for over fourteen years and eight months: appointed by the Ssn Francisco Board of Supervisors, and serving at the pleasure of three Mayors. I have been a nurse for over thirty-five years.I have worked at the VA Hospitals in La Jolla, CA, Kingsbridge Bronx, NY, and the Palo Alto Healthcare. I currently receive my healthcare at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. I am an Honorably Discharged Navy Veteran, having served in the Hospital Corps during the Vietnam War Era. I am a proud member of the American Legion, the Alexander Hamilton Post #448, the only LGBT Post in the Nation! This petition is for all Veterans, because we have all served our Nation, and Healthcare was a promise made to "those who serve," presented in President Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address!

    We now have A Commander in Chief who was/is not only a spineless coward, but has delegated Veteran's Issues and Concerns to three men who sit around at Mar-a-Lago, and run the VA. Let me be clear, none of these men have Served! They are only trying to profit off of the blood, sweat and tears, and deaths of all Veterans! We must fight this, and NOW!

    Why you should care and act? If you have ever complained about the long lines, wait times, level and quality of care, and you think it is bad now, then I can assure you, that all of those things will only get much worse! We will have fewer Doctors and Nurses to care for us. There will be less . . . of everything! Less testing, less treatment, less needed procedures, and less quality of care that you, and all of your fellow comrades, deserve!

    So, how do we fix this? First share this petition for everyone to sign, share, and understand! Be sure you sign it! We fought before and we must fight again, to protect our National Healthcare! We must not allow ourselves to succumb to inferior healthcare, brought on by the insidious and sinister way that the Trump Administration, is pushing our Healthcare into the inferior care money pit, that PRIVATIZATION encompa$$e$!

    So, how can we fix the VA Healthcare System? First of all the VA Healthcare System should be led and run by Veterans! Those who have served! Those who understand what going to "sick call," was like, and how effective that process was! Veteran's should have a greater percentage of decision making, and the final decision, and say, on policy and procedures! We will continue to work with Medical Universities and Colleges to provide the lastest technology and care available to our Veterans! I have seen a perfect service model of how this works, at Travis AFB. The civilian nurses are interviewed by a nursing panel of civilians and militay personnel. This is how the were vetted for a position. The Unit was run by active military personnel! The VA could effectively utilize this same structure, except Veteran's would take the place of Active Military!

    The VA Healthcare System is the largest Healthcare System in the World! It must be run effectively for and by Veterans! Veteran's who have Honorably Served! PRIVATIZATION of this
    now 200 Billion Dollar Healthcare System, since the current President signed this largest spending bill into law! Now that he has done this, how much of this money do you think his greedy PRIVATIZATION minions and associates want of this money? How much do you think the three non-veteran men at the table at Mar-a-Largo, want of this money??? This Administration has been all about greed and avarice! These people, including the Commander in Chief, are all about money, and don't give a damn about Veterans! This money could repair and upgrade the VA System! I have seen money wasted on prescriptions and packaging. Being the largest Healthcare System in the World, millions of dollars could be saved by going Green . . . solar panel energy, recyclable products throughout the system, from cafeteria supplies, to medical supplies as simple as medication cups!

    Let's do this, and get the word out and tell the US Congress and US Senate that Veterans, "we who served" object to all attempts to PRIVATIZE OUR HEALTHCARE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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