Bermuda Government - Protect the swimming pigs!
- von: Sara Auld
- empfänger: Neil Campbell, Administrator for Exuma -
The swimming pigs that live on the island of Exuma are being abused and killed by people who are either foolish, ignorant or malicious. People, possibly tourists, feed them junk food, alcohol, try to ride them and generally abuse the pigs. A third of them have died recently. This is a small population that should be protected for all to enjoy. See
Dear Mr. Campbell,
I was distressed to read the recent articles in the news regarding the deaths of the swimming pigs in Exuma. As the Administrator for this island, the undersigned petitioners ask that you take immedate steps to protect these pigs from the foolishness of humans and keep them as the treasure they are.
Please work within your local / regional office and with the Government of the Bahamas in general to protect these wonderful little guys.
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