Friday, May 1, 2009
Jeremy Belk Staff Writer
An Athens man accused of dragging and seriously injuring Boss, the pit bulldog, now has a date in McMinn County General Sessions Court.
William Jacobs, 23, of 511 County Road 213, Athens, was served a criminal summons on animal cruelty at the McMinn County Justice Center on Tuesday. He was released after being given a Thursday, May 7, date to appear in General Sessions Court.
Jacobs is accused of dragging the dog that had been tied to the bumper of his vehicle. Jacobs had adopted the dog earlier from Break the Chains Pit Bull Rescue of Lenoir City. Jacobs has said it was accident that the dog was injured. He has said he had forgotten he had tied the bulldog to the back of his pickup truck when he drove away. The dog allegedly was dragged behind the truck for almost a mile.
When Jacobs allegedly missed follow-up appointments after the adoption, James Woody, from the rescue group, tried to contact him.
When the Woodys went to Jacobs' house to check on the dog, they learned about the dragging incident that had allegedly occurred 18 days earlier and that Boss had not been given proper veterinary care. Woody then filed an animal cruelty report with the McMinn County Sheriff's Department.
Jacobs was served with papers last week, giving him 10 days to turn himself in at the Justice Center on the criminal summons.
Normally with a criminal summons, the person is served papers, giving them a day in court and then allowed to leave.
Last week, it was reported that Boss was healing well from his wounds. He has had several surgeries since being taken back in by the rescue group.
Woody said the dog's demeanor has changed since they have brought him back. He said Boss is now aggressive toward other animals, which is different than how he was prior to being adopted.
The news of Boss got another animal rescuer worried. Joyce Price, of Athens, adopted out a Jack Russell Terrier named Eddie to Jacobs in December. After hearing about Boss, she called Jacobs to ask about Eddie. She said she was told he had given the dog away. Price said she had allegedly told Jacobs to give Eddie back if something changed and he could no longer care for the dog. She said since first inquiring about Eddie's condition, she has heard several conflicting stories. Price said she has contacted the McMinn County Humane Society about Eddie.
Humane Society President Stacy Low said they are looking into the incident and trying to determine what has happened to Eddie. She said she is also working with the McMinn County Sheriff's Department and the District Attorney's office to find out if there are any other animals at Jacob's residence that could be at risk.
Price said she just wants to know if Eddie is dead or alive.
She said if anyone in the County Road 213 area has seen a long-haired brown and white Jack Russell to call her, or if you are in possession of Eddie to call her so she knows he is safe. Price can be contacted at 507-4619.
Lowe said you can also contact the McMinn County Humane Society at 744-9548.
Jacobs said he did not wish to comment. He said he has hired attorney Matt Rogers to represent him in court.
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