We Want Thom Hartmann, Talker's Magazine #1 Progressive Host,Live in the San Francisco Bay Area

Thom Hartmann will not be removed from the from the tape-delayed Green 960 AM Lineup!!!  We have made a huge difference! 

However, we have more work to do: 

It is our ULTIMATE GOAL to return Thom Hartmann to the LIVE 9:00AM PST to 12:00PM PST in the San Francisco Bay Area.   Thom Hartmann is the #1 Progressive host in the Nation!  You can find Green 960's program lineup and Thom's program information at:
www.Green960.com.   You can find full information about Thom, his program, the books he has published and stations near you who broadcast The Thom Hartmann Program at:  www.thomhartmann.com.

Since he's not broadcast LIVE on Green960 we are open to any venue in the Bay Area who wants the #1 Progressive Talker In America!*  We will support you!

We are a group of Bay Area Listeners who are dedicated to our Progressive Radio Station and it's Sponsors.  Unfortunately, it was the decision of Green 960 to remove Thom Hartmann from the 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM live broadcast time slot that Thom has been heard on for several years. 

Your signature will help to persuade the Program Director to reconsider.  We are also actively seeking other stations to consider carrying Thom Hartmann, The Top Progressive Talker in America!*

*Rated #1 among all Progressive Radio Hosts by Talkers Magazine.  Through in depth research among many levels, Talkers Magazine publishes their invaluable ratings study each year.
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