True Organic Brew: Require organic hops in organic beer

*Hops are a key ingredient in all major styles of beer. Current USDA organic standards allow non organic hops in beer labeled organic and bearing the USDA organic seal. Chemical Herbicides, Fungicides, and Pesticides used on conventionally grown hop flowers can pose a risk to consumers. Consumers have the right to know if the beer they buy with an organic label contains non organic hops.

*We believe organic beer should always contain organic hops in order to be labeled as organic.

*We demand that the USDA remove hops from the list of non-organic agricultural ingredients allowed in certified organic products no later than 2012

We the undersigned formally ask that the USDA remove hops from the list of non-organic agricultural ingredients allowed in certified organic products no later than 2012.

Hops are a key ingredient in all major styles of beer. Current USDA organic standards allow non organic hops in beer labeled organic and bearing the USDA organic seal. Chemical Herbicides, Fungicides, and Pesticides used on conventionally grown hop flowers can pose a risk to consumers. Consumers have the right to know if the beer they buy with an organic label contains non organic hops. 

Allowing the USDA certified organic seal on beer that is made without organic hops is misleading to organic consumers and erodes consumer confidence in the organic label. Furthermore, allowing non organic hops in organic beer is discouraging the efforts of North American growers and distributors of organic hops. By creating a deadline for producers of organic beer by which they are required to use organic hops, they will have full incentive to succeed in this change, and they will support efforts in the supply side of the industry to meet the demand.

We believe organic beer should always contain organic hops in order to be labeled as organic. We formally request that the USDA remove hops from the list of non-organic agricultural ingredients allowed in certified organic products no later than January 1, 2012. Thank you for taking the time to hear our concerns and considering our request. 

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