Teach The Children About Ghosts

According to a poll conducted by CBS in 2005 (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/10/29/opinion/polls/main994766.shtml), the majority of Americans believe in ghosts. In fact, 22 percent of Americans reported firsthand encounters with ghastly apparitions from beyond the grave. Mounting evidence leads experts to conclude that these numbers have only increased exponentially with time. So why is the voice of the majority squelched in the face of scientific hubris?

Ghosts are defined as the soul or spirit of a deceased person communicating with the living (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost). Ghosts may manifest in many ways, for instance visually, audibly, or telepathically. Has something happened to you recently that you just can't explain? Twas most likely a ghoul!

Ghost encounters can be traumatizing for children who have not been adequately educated about them. Imagine, for instance, if Marvin Gaye had been spooked by a phantasm as a young boy. He would have never grown up to write "What's Going On?" and we would have never wondered, what is going on? Why does my toilet paper seem to unravel by itself? Why is my favorite pair of underwear missing? Is my cat actually a ghost?

The study of ghosts is an oft neglected field in science. But to wait for science to slowly advance is to stand idly by while our children are being raped. We must take science from those who study it to secure a better future. But the teaching of ghosts is not limited to only science class. In English class, we must read ghost stories around the candlelight. In History class, we must learn not only about Hitler, but also his ghost. In Math class, we must learn to subtract ghosts from our lives. In Home Ec, we must learn how to incorporate ghost into a nutritional diet. Soon, President Obama and the world will hear our message!


Sorry, a ghost typed that. Further evidence for their existance...

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