Stop Baxter International

  • von: JC
  • empfänger: Canadian citizens
This petition is no longer about stopping Baxter from making the H1N1 vaccine as it s too late, but it is now about getting enough signatures to have them investigated and hopefully shut down.

Baxter International is a drug company that has been at the center of three major drug contamination scandals, one of them occurred only a few months ago in February of this year:

1. Live avian flu was found in flu vaccines intended for human use:

2. They sent out Heparin that did not even contain the main ingredient, but instead contained a chemically similar compound:

3. And in the 1980's the FDA banned Baxter from using certain blood products known to contain HIV and AIDS. So what did they do? They sold them to foreign countries with no warning about what they contained:

Two instances is a trend, but three is a pattern. All of these contaminations were carried out with prior knowledge and were therefore malicious acts.

Still, the WHO selected Baxter to create the H1N1 vaccine just two months after live avian flu was found in vaccines intended for human use. As well, it has been revealed that due to the fact it was made in a Biohazard safety level 3 facility, these two substances, a live deadly virus and a flu vaccine, could never come into contact accidentally.

As a country, as a global community, we cannot allow this to continue. Baxter is not capable of safely manufacturing products for human use and should not be allowed to do so. Please sign this petition, and pass it on to everyone you know and love, so we can keep ourselves safe from harm.

I was recently contacted by the someone from this petition site saying a reported called them wanting to interview me about this petition. I bought it and phoned and left my full name and number and they never called back. I looked up the name of the person I called and it turned her name was no where on the site of the company she said she worked for. Baxter has my info and that is scary.

As well, I am not longer allowed to share this petition on Facebook because 'someone' reported it as abusive and it is now banned. I need your help. It is scary out here.

Thank you for your time.
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