Stand with Kucinich: Impeach Bush!

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has just introduced articles of impeachment against President George Bush. Please urge your member of Congress to stand with Kuninich and support impeachment!

Why impeach now? Even though President Bush is a lame duck president, the fact remains that he misled our country into an illegal war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, most of them innocent Iraqi civilians. He has conducted warrentless surveillance of American citizens and violated the Geneva Convention by approving the use of torture. He is not fit to be President and should not be allowed to hold this noble seat. Impeach now!
To: Your U.S. Representative:

I urge you to support Representative Dennis Kucinich's articles of impeachment against President Bush, and to pressure the House Judiciary Committee to approve these articles of impeachment immediately.

President Bush misled our country into an illegal war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, most of them innocent Iraqi civilians. He has conducted warrentless surveillance of American citizens and violated the Geneva Convention by approving the use of torture. He is not fit to be President and should not be allowed to hold this noble seat.
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