Save Turtles, save human, save resources consumption, save the Earth

  • von: ctim
  • empfänger: everyone

Sea turtles face loss of nesting sites from rising sea levels and erosion.

Climate change is already taking a toll on these plants and animals. In Tanzania, lakes, home to hundreds of birds and other wildlife, alternate between drying up and flooding.

Animals like giraffes also lose food when flooding kills the trees on which they depend.

Countries like Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique have been suffering from unpredictable rainfall with frequent drought, along with intense rains and flooding. Coastal storms bring stronger winds creating greater wave damage along shorelines.

Weather extremes also severely threaten the region’s traditional livelihoods of farming and fishing. In rural areas, people have lost crops and livestock and face hunger and outbreaks of malaria. Climate change is expected to make this and other problems even worse.
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