Save Howard University's Philosophy Department

In the Department of Philosophy at Howard University, it has come to our attention that PCAR (the Presidential Commission on Academic Renewal) has decided to eliminate the Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy. We are appealing to you, at this crucial time, to ask that you help us appeal to the Howard University%u2019s high standards of academic excellence, that they may reconsider their decision to cut our program.

We, the students and faculty, believe philosophy to be an indispensable part of any solid academic curriculum. It is understood that the University plans to keep certain introductory philosophy courses deemed indispensable to this end. However, with the rest of the program to be eliminated, we fear that the nation is losing an educational gem, as ours is the only HBCU to have an undergraduate focus on Africana philosophy. None of the HBCU%u2019s listed in the tier 1 alongside of Howard offer a program of this nature.

Not only that, but our program fits well with the interdisciplinary nature of African-American studies, as philosophy is foundational to all disciplines. Philosophy graduates score highest on standardized entrance exams because of critical thinking skills obtained through study. Howard%u2019s philosophy department has a rich tradition of scholarship that continues until today; Alaine Locke, architect of the Harlem Renaissance, taught here for years.  His studies were foundational to what we, today, know as critical race theory, alongside the likes of W.E.B. DuBois, Kwame Appiah, and even our own scholars, Dr. Richard Jones, Dr. Patrick Goodin, Dr. Segun Gbadegesin, Dr. Charles Verharen, and Dr. Joseph Asike. All of these scholars contribute substantially to the small-but-dedicated sub-field known as Africana philosophy. This field explores the philosophical thought of Africans on the continent and throughout the Diaspora, in comparison with Western and Eastern thinkers.

Until recent times, the American Philosophical Association would not recognize the study of our culture(s) (Africana philosophy) as a legitimate sub-field. In order to remain aware and strong against oppression, in any form, it is necessary that we have our own intellectual spaces. Howard University is one of those spaces. The study of philosophy is crucial to further developing those spaces.

Philosophy is indispensable. To remove it from a well-known liberal arts institution would put future students at great risk of lacking diverse perspectives and the ability to approach modern, global social issues critically. We implore you to reconsider.

We would actually like to implore Howard to consider expanding the philosophy program at Howard.

If pleases you, we would like to ask that you petition Howard University regarding these new changes, and provide additional ideas to save the program. We greatly appreciate your time and consideration.

Please sign this petition so that we can keep our arts and humanities programs alive and thriving for future generations of students.

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