Save Awase tidal flat

We would like to ask your support to conserve one of the most important wetlands (includes coral communites )in Okinawa,Japan, thank you.

On November 19th, The Naha District Court issued an injunction to stop Okinawa Prefecture and the City from appropriating public funds for the reclamation project in the Awase tidal flat off the city of Okinawa, Japan.

The Awase tidal flat, with its rich biota, represents the biogeographical characteristics of the Nansei Islands. It meets the Ramsar criteria for inclusion in the List of Wetlands of International Importance.

Further information and commentary on the issues regarding the reclamation project in the Awase tidal flat are available on the following URL.

The year 2008 is International Year of the Reef (IYOR; http//, but here exist coral communities which are waiting to be killed (burying alive) soon.

This petition is for the Prime Ministor of Japan, the Ministry of Environment, the mayor of Okinawa prefecture, and the mayor of Okinawa city.

This is due 31st December 2008.

We would like to ask your support to conserve one of the most important wetlands (includes coral communities) in Okinawa,Japan, thank you.

On November 19th, The Naha District Court issued an injunction to stop Okinawa Prefecture and the City from appropriating public funds for the reclamation project in the Awase tidal flat off the city of Okinawa, Japan.

The Awase tidal flat, with its rich biota, represents the biogeographical characteristics of the Nansei Islands. It meets the Ramsar criteria for inclusion in the List of Wetlands of International Importance.

Further information and commentary on the issues regarding the reclamation project in the Awase tidal flat are available on the following URL.

The year 2008 is International Year of the Reef(IYOR; ), but here exist coral communites which are waiting to be killed (burying alive) soon.

This petition is for the Prime Ministor of Japan, the Ministry of Environment, the mayor of Okinawa prefecture, and the  Mayor of Okinawa city.

This petition is due 31st December, 2008. Please save us!

The Save Awasehigata Association
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