I am a college student,as a student i know how long i can go, i have done to my best to make all the childrens eqully educated. Lots of articles had been put  up by me in our school notice boards and in our college too. In india the right to education is not at all came into act in full view. I used to travel mosly by train, while that time i had came acroos a lots of minor childrens working, selling snacks etc. for their daily living, for just an meal. i asked them why you do this work,? The answer was so sad that thers no enough facility to study so i am doing this. this happens not only in my home town but all over the country. Its too bad to say that India is an democratic country, by living in such an democratic country what our rullers do and what we do???????
"India had changed, but still the the un educated pepoles had not changed".
Please help them as u can make them also educated. Come on lets put our hands
together to do it.right to education
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