Project Accountability NOW: Stop the Killings at the HAC!

This important Petition (click above to see attached) represents Hamilton's animals without voices and demands that the Hamilton Animal Control (HAC) Department stop the weekly killings, and come up with alternative animal control management solutions, once and for all, that respect life!

ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals and existing No Kill group movements in Hamilton and the Greater Toronto Area share a mutual goal of establishing long desired reforms at the HAC shelter. It is time for us to work together as a unified community to end these atrocities that have been going on unchecked for far too long. Thank you for helping to save death row animals without voices at the Hamilton City Animal Control. 

ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals

"Hamilton Animal Control - Stop the Killings" Group

We the undersigned, request:

1. that the decision of euthanization be taken collectively by senior staff at the Hamilton City pound and not left in the hands of one person;
2. for a change in bylaw, allowing more than two pets per household;
3. for a change in the bylaws so that the picking up and killing of pets found roaming outside be stopped as well;
4. that a No Kill policy, including a cost effective trap, neuter and return (TNR) program, be implemented in place of scheduled killing for the ferals;
5. that a comprehensive low cost spay and neuter program be made available to all to help contain the pet population;
6. that the fees for reclaiming an animal be reduced;
7. that the pound hours be extended past regular working hours to increase the percentage of owner retrievals; and that the pound be opened up to the public and all rescue groups for adoptions.

Approximately 3000 cats and 300 dogs are killed every year at the Hamilton City Animal Control (HAC), a high intake, high kill pound. According to the pound manager, the HAC receives around 5,000 animals a year, likely more. The only animals who escape death are the ones saved via rescue, a HAC privilege extended only to selected local grassroots rescue groups.

Two to three times a week, before the opening of the pound, a vet technician administers horse sedatives to the animals marked for death. Soon after, the vet arrives to put an end to their innocent little lives.

Every week. The same routine of death.

HAC does not have a website or a bulletin which would allow the public to adopt directly, or even to retrieve unfortunate pets that have been picked up by Hamilton Animal Control. As per their bylaws, HAC can pick up any roaming pet. If no one comes to claim the pet, the animal will summarily be killed. The majority of the cats and other small companion animals saved by rescue groups from HAC are tame, many have been neutered or spayed, and some cats have unfortunately been declawed. These signs point to the fact that, at some point in time, most, if not all, of these animals were someone's pets.

To demonstrate our outrage against the senseless and unnecessary killing of thousands of animals each year at the HAC, ORA is committed to collecting your signatures for this very important petition that demands for immediate and much-needed change.

It is our responsibility to collectively solicit HAC to take the proper measures NOW and to stop the weekly slaughter of animals and of people's pets. HAC's manager and staff are publicly funded by taxpayers' money, and ultimately, they must be held accountable.


ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals

"HAC - Stop the Killings" Facebook Group:

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