NY Post Columnist Says Beaten Cat Deserved to Die!

There is a case going on now in the Manhattan Courts
concerning a man who brutally beat and killed his girlfriends
cat in a drunken, jealous rage. You can read all about it and
sign the petition against the cat-killer here;


Meanwhile, New York Post columist Andrea Peyser wrote an
article about this case, stating her belief that the cat "deserved
every blow he got" and called the prosecution of the cat-killer a
"waste of time and tax-payers money." You can read Andrea's 
cold-hearted article here;


We are petitioning the NY Post and its owners, 
"News Corporation," to let them know that the kind of
callous indifference Andrea Peyser's article portrays does
not reflect well on the newspaper or the company that owns it. 
We want to remind them that animal cruelty
is no laughing matter and that we need to take these
sort of crimes seriously. Studies show there is a direct link
between animal abusers and violent crimes against people. 

We think Andrea Peyser should be FIRED for suggesting
that an innocent animal deserved to be beaten for any
reason as sends a wrong message to readers that animal
abuse is "tolerable," or "ok" to have in a civilized society - 
Talk about bad press! Your paper  would be better off without
writers who openly "expouse" or support animal cruelty in
any form,.....
after all, it is against the law, and for good reason,  it is morally,
ethically and legally WRONG!  Shame on Andrea for writing such a
heartless article, and shame on The New York Post & News
Corporation for allowing it. 

The New York Post has been criticized for what many consider
its lurid headlines, sensationalism, blatant advocacy and
conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review
asserted that "the New York Post is no longer merely a
journalistic problem. It is a social problem - a force for evil."

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated" - Ghandi

"I care not for a mans religion whos dog or cat
  is not the better off for it" - A. Lincoln

Please contact the NY Post and the News Corporation
who owns them, and let them know what you think of
Mz. Adrea Peysers making light of the serious crime of
animal abuse & cruelty.  

News Corporation
CEO K. Rupert Murdoch

General Inquiries;
(212) 852 - 7000

Press Contact:
Teri Everett
(212) 852 - 7070

Investor Relations;
Reed Nolte
(212) 852 - 7092

The New York Post
(212) 930 - 8000

NY Post - Send letter http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/letters/letters_editor.htm

or email a letter directly to the editor at;

Visit Andrea Peyser's site here;


or email her directly here;

Thank you.
Together, we can make a difference!

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