Eight Belles Tragedy: Never Again

The time has come for animal lovers everywhere to demand accountability and reform of the horse racing industry.

The death of Eight Belles after finishing second at this year's Kentucky Derby is a horrible reminder of the toll race horses have taken recently in an increasingly dangerous sport. According to a recent study, an average of two horses die every day in horse racing. This loss is unacceptable.

The horse racing industry must reform to put the welfare and safety of horse first and foremost - if not, we will boycott the sport.
I am deeply saddened by the tragic death of Eight Belles at this year's Kentucky Derby, and cannot condone the increasingly dangerous conditions in today's thoroughbred horse racing industry. According to a recent study, an average of two horses die every day in horse racing. This loss is absolutely unacceptable.

Horses are being bred to be stronger and faster than their frames and thin legs can handle. They are being pushed to race by two years of age when their frames are not mature enough for such physical strain.

The thoroughbred horse racing industry must reform to put the welfare and safety of horse first and foremost. If such reforms require horses to wait until they are older to race, so be it. If the industry does not immediately investigate the conditions that have led to such high levels of injury and death and implement reforms, then I will be forced to boycott horse racing and encourage everyone I know to do the same.
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