Help Sentence Animal Abuser - Jennifer Petkus

On Friday, April 29, 2011 Jennifer Petkus, owner and operator of the Thyme & Sage Ranch in Cazenovia, Wisconsin will be sentenced on multiple convictions of animal cruelty.

In 2009 more than 300 dogs, cats, horses and other animals were rescued from her non-profit animal sanctuary" after numerous complaints from the public about adopting sick and dying dogs.
They were found living in deplorable conditions with little or no food or water. Some had open wounds, ear and eye infections, fur matted with urine and feces and internal infections. 

In addition, an abnormally large number of the dogs  were pregnant which lead investigators to believe Petkus was breeding the dogs and running a puppy mill with previously abandoned animals.

Now that Ms. Petkus has been found guilty we ask that her sentencing fit the crime.  We ask that she is banned for life from having contact with animals, that a lien be placed on her property to repay the animal rescue groups that took custody of her dogs and that Ms Petkus enter into a mental health program.

We the undersigned are writing to urge you to consider the maximum sentencing on April 29, 2011 for Jennifer Petkus, owner of Thyme & Sage Ranch.

A jury found Ms. Petkus guilty on six counts of animal cruelty for the more than 300 animals living in deplorable conditions on her "animal sanctuary."  We ask that you give consideration to the following sanctions for Ms. Petkus:
Impose a lifetime ban on contact with animals.
Place a lien on her property so that the animal rescue organizations who took custody of her animals can be repaid for their care and veterinary attention.
Enter her into a mental health program that addresses animal collecting and how to recognize animal suffering.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter. 
No animal should have to endure the abuse and neglect Ms. Petkus handed to hundreds of innocent pets.
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