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   Right in the middle of Europe, millions of street animals are dying year in year out: in killing camps who call
   themselves animal shelters, or in "freedom" - of hunger, cold, diseases, poison.

   Granted, you'll  find local laws forbidding the above - but often enough neither local authorities nor elements
   of the executive authorities do comply with the laws.Even the most barbarian cruelties to animals go without prosecution
   because it is not avenged, as a rule.

   On December 1st, 2009 the treaty of Lisbon (so-called EU reformation treaty) became effective.
   The major agreement states that the Union and its member states have to take account of the well-being of the animals as feeling beings.
   But the ratification of this treaty does not automatically imply the end of the brute widespread deaths.
   This is why we need to suit the action to the word.

   Right in the middle of Europe, millions of street animals are dying year in year out: in
    killing camps who call
   themselves animal shelters, or in "freedom" -  of hunger, cold, diseases, poison.

   Granted, you'll find local laws forbidding the above - but often enough neither local authorities nor elements
   of the executive authorities do comply with the laws.Even the most barbarian cruelties to animals go without prosecution
   because it is not avenged, as a rule.

   On December 1st, 2009 the treaty of Lisbon (so-called EU reformation treaty) became effective.
   The major agreement states that the Union and its member states have to take account of the well-being of the animals as feeling beings.
   But the ratification of this treaty does not automatically imply the end of the brute widespread deaths.
   This is why we need to suit the action to the word.


    The European Commission and the Parliament have to enact a law which guarantees the animals right of living to their needs.

    Thus we call for

  • Prohibition of installation and preservation of killing stations - whatever camouflage name they are given
  • Prohibition of any killing of street animals which is not medically indicated - in case of medical indication the use of painless euthanasia means
  • Implementation of binding governmental vaccination and castration routines
  • Implementation of (minimum) standards for animal shelters
  • Review of hunting laws and regulations in being which allow for careless killing of pets and street animals
  • Prohibition of abuse of street animals for laboratory experiments
  • Implementation of laws for pet breeding and restrictions for commercial pet breeding
  • Implementation of classes in animal protection in schools
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