In various part of India such as Nagaland,Guwahati,Tripura,Mumbai,etc.
Dogs are being killed for their skin which is sold as cheap leather in markets,in those states and also in other states.

They are also sometimes killed by the MCD(MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF DELHI) and  OTHER GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS IN OTHER STATES,stating 'dog menace'.
Apart from this dogs are also being killed for their meat,which is sold in local roadside shops known as "Dhabas",or is eaten by locals.

Also various leading newspapers such as the MUMBAI MIRROR,DNA WEST COAST etc. have published articles regarding the killing of dogs under mysterious circumstances,and their dissapearence from residential colonies,even after this none of the Animal Rights NGO's have bothered to take any steps or even to look into the matter.
This "dog meat culture" is slowly but surely creeping into India from China and Korea,and soon there will be almost every shop serving dog meat dishes.
This petition of mine will be sent to the High Court of india,sincerely requesting the respected judge, to issue out a Law/s stating "KILLING OF DOGS IS ILLEGAL IN INDIA" which shall include heavy fines, punishments,jail terms etc.also including Cruelty to Animals Act,1960.

I sincerely request you to sign this petition as the sooner the better.

I have several 'newspaper clippings' regarding this issue ,if required please contact me at the following:    from your valid email address.

Thanking You,

Vibhor Sharma Kaushal

Animal Rights Activist
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