Animal rights groups are battling against ranchers and the government over a new proposal to start euthanizing wild horses.
An estimated 33,000 wild horses are roaming around in 10 western states.
Instead of euthanizing and slaughter, there could be better ways to deal with this. Such as birth control or tax breaks for large landowners willing to let the horses run on their lands.
From the people of the United States concerned in preserving our heritage and history,

An estimated 33,000 wild horses are roaming around in 10 western states.
 They are a huge part of our American history, America would never be what it is today if it wasn't for a horse.
There is a quote I once heard " The History Of America Was Written On The Back Of A Horse".

Euthanasia and slaughter are not the answer!
We believe that there is a much better way to deal with the wild horses and burros of the West.
Such as birth control or giving tax breaks to large land owners who allow wild horses to run on their property.
Please, take our thoughts and concerns into deep consideration.
We greatly appreciate anything you can do to avoid this horrible act.
Thank you all so very much for listening to our concerns.
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