Extend School Facilities Master Plan Public Review Period

This is a petition to extend the public review period for the Orleans Parish Schools Master Facilities Plan until January 1, 2009. 
We the undersigned urge you as our local and state public education leaders to extend the Orleans Parish Schools Master Facilities Plan Public Review & Comment Period for an additional 90 days to January 1, 2009. 

We ask for this extension for several reasons, but we ask with the understanding that there is no intention for implementation before early 2009, therefore the extension should cause no delay in implementation.  Of course, the current limited public comment and review period has occurred during a particularly taxing time for parents and community members who have had to also deal with weather evacuations, city planning forums, school board election debates along with back to school preparations and adjustments.  Equally important is that there is magnificent descent and confusion within our community regarding this recently released document.  Finally, the current sitting OPSB only has 2 members seeking reelection, therefore we feel that the newly seated OPSB members will need to hear our well thought out concerns and suggestions regarding the plan as they will be the body that we will hold accountable for the implementation in the years to come. 

We citizens are only requesting a reasonable amount of time so that we may study the plan and hold meaningful conversations within our own groups and with planners which will allow for us to develop our well thought out concerns and suggestions and ultimately make informed decisions for the future of public education facilities in New Orleans.   

In closing, we urge each member of the Orleans Parish School Board and LA Board of Elementary & Secondary Education to postpone your vote to approve the current Orleans Parish Schools Master Facilities Plan until after January 1, 2009.  Thank you in advance for your support regarding the concerns of New Orleans citizens.

OUR Schools.  OUR Future.  OUR Plans.
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