Tell Gov. Brown: Support The Phaseout of Harmful Drift Gillnets

Drift gillnets are banned in many parts of the world because they indiscriminately catch all sorts of marine life, including whales, dolphins, sharks, sea lions, sea turtles, and other species of fish. Yet, a drift gillnet fishery targeting swordfish still operates off the coast of California. It's time to transition this fishery to more selective and environmentally friendly methods of fishing.
Californians take pride in their coast and care deeply about the health of the Pacific Ocean, including well-managed fisheries, on which families and entire communities depend. Drift gillnets are a harmful and wasteful way to fish for swordfish. Killing iconic and endangered species such as leatherback sea turtles and sperm whales in order to catch a luxury seafood item is unacceptable, particularly when less wasteful and more environmentally friendly alternatives exist, such as deep-set buoy gear.
Sign the petition and tell Governor Brown: Uphold California's reputation as a conservation leader by helping to make drift gillnets a thing of the past.
Dear Governor Jerry Brown, I am writing to encourage you, through your appointees on the Pacific Fishery Management Council, to promote phasing out the drift gillnet fishery off the California coast. Catching swordfish with drift gillnets is an indiscriminate and wasteful method of fishing. Fishermen in this fishery throw overboard 64 percent of what they catch, including endangered whales and turtles. That toll is unacceptable under any standard and is not the way I want our fisheries to operate in California. Drift gillnet gear is banned on the Atlantic coast and in many other places around the world due to the large amounts of other ocean wildlife that are killed incidentally. When it comes to fishing for swordfish, California should transition to less wasteful gear. Our coastal economies depend on a healthy ocean and sustainable fisheries. Animals caught in the drift gillnet fishery are an important part of the ocean ecosystem and are drivers of a vibrant tourism industry along the Pacific Coast. Through your leadership, California can move toward alternative fishing methods that already exist and are less wasteful. Please uphold California's reputation as a champion of conservation and sustainable fishing by supporting a phaseout of drift gillnets targeting swordfish. [Your comments here] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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