Change the perspective of Eastern Europe -Bring Abel Tesfaye's The After Hours Til Dawn Tour to Romania

    Are you tired of your favorite singers and celebrities not coming to your country? Or specifically not even near it? �

     The last time a world-wide famous singer came on tour in the Balkans, was Lady Gaga that came to Romania in 2012. This is a problem for all balkans and all eastern europeans. 

    Without artists coming to our countries people lose hope, people look with dearing eyes to leave their countries and their cultures for places that are good-known and where celebrities never fail to be.�

    People become dissatisfied and apart from each other. Our people. We/us people...

    And that will bring us only judgement and regret, our hopes will go lower and lower!

    If we don't help each other , we will lose and it's about time people start acknowledging that we don't want to be put aside by everyone , famous people or not.��

     Abel Tesfaye/The weeknd came to Romania in 2012 to film his music video for the song ''Twenty eight'' from his debut album Trilogy.  Since then he hasn't put one foot on Romanian land... ✈

     Shouldn't he see where he came from? How many fans he has here thrilling for him?

     This is a petition for all balkan and eastern people who wish to show that we are powerful ,devoted and deserving fans. We are stronger united!

    Let's show Abel and his team that his fans need him, here, in the lost and forgotten Eastern Europe, and last but not least . . . Romania.❤
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