Lift the one hundred year gagging order imposed in 2003 on the biggest UK police investigation into Paedophiles on the internet!

  • af: Paula Donohoe
  • mottagare: Tony Blair, Jack Straw and the British parliament.

In 2003, Tony Blair (then UK Prime Minister) and Jack Straw (then Home Secretary) signed a one hundred year gagging order on information from Operation Ore; the biggest UK police investigation ever undertaken into online child abuse. The investigation was terminated and a gagging order imposed on aspects of it’s reporting. Gagging Orders are enshrined into British legislation and include a potential threat of imprisonment to anybody who defies the order.

The British public need to know the truth about the one-hundred year gagging order. Why was this order signed by Tony Blair and Jack Straw? How did the gagging order protect British society? How were the many children, discovered to be victims of paedophile crimes, protected from further abuse? We call on Tony Blair and Jack Straw to explain the grounds for this gagging order.

British Parliament is afforded the power and authority to protect British Society and represent us on the world stage. If the powers afforded are utilized deceptively or in a manner that absolves certain sections of society from scrutiny, it is an undermining of our democracy and potentially harmful. The Chilcot inquiry is a recent example of how powers can be utilized in a manner which misleads and deceives the British public, the Hillsborough inquiry demonstrates the damaging domino effects of cover-up. We need to preserve social justice and ensure that parliamentary powers are utilized in a fair and consistent manner. The use of this gagging order is suspicious, it was utilized to prevent the release of information on crimes of the most abhorrent and damaging kind, perpetrated against the most vulnerable members of our society. The truth of this gagging order could liberate hundreds and thousands of abused children and ensure we can afford them and others better protections from paedophile, internet grooming and abuse. The truth could ensure that the powers afforded to British Parliament are utilized appropriately, transparently and in accordance with the principles of justice and democratic process.

We call on Tony Blair, Jack Straw and the current British parliament to lift this gagging order and allow British Police to act on the information and evidence they collated during Operation Ore. We call on Tony Blair to lift this gagging order and allow for honest reporting to the British Public as to why this order was imposed. We call on Tony Blair and Jack Straw to afford British Society the truth about the grooming and abuse of children unearthed in this investigation (no names required). We call on Tony Blair, Jack Straw and the current British Parliament to overturn this gagging order in the interests of safeguarding vulnerable children from paedophile abuse. This gagging order suppresses the natural process of justice and in the interests of justice, we request that this gagging order is lifted.

As a social worker of 19 years standing, I have come into contact with many children who have experienced grooming and abuse in a variety of forms.   I have also witnessed the inconsistent use of policy and procedure by those with authority to ensure the safeguarding of vulnerable children.   These children desrve a voice, they deserve to be safeguarded and we as adults have to stand up against any misuse of power or information which lends itself to the ongoing abuse of children. Please read, if you agree please sign and share and give a voice to abused children by unearthing the truth.

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