Sign Today if You Believe Disabled Children and Young People Should Have Equal Opportunities

Far too many disabled children, young people and their families cannot access the services that will help them to thrive. Despite major reforms over the past 50 years, life remains challenging. Our health and care systems force families to emphasise the negative to gain support. Disabled children and young people are constantly reminded what they cannot do, not what they can and do achieve. Families must fight the system, often falling into crisis because early help is not available.

KIDS has been providing a wide range of services to disabled children, young people and their families in England since 1970. Using our years of expertise, we support children from babies through to young adults, whatever their disability. This includes children and young people with special educational needs, those without a diagnosis but require additional support to thrive, and also with young carers. Having this breadth of support means that we can ensure families have someone to lean on at any point as their child develops, so that they don't ever feel alone.

Parents with disabled children want to enjoy family time together, but navigating the system and finding ways to help their child feel safe and learn is overwhelming. Pushing for the care and support their child needs on top of the normal pressures of family responsibilities often causes parents with disabled children to feel isolated and their mental health suffers.

We work together with disabled children, young people and their families, realising rights and opportunities so that they can thrive and reach out for support anytime they need it. But we can't do it alone!

All our work is made possible only with a community of people like you committed to giving disabled children a brighter future. Will you sign today and send a strong signal that you support transforming the lives of disabled children and young people?

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