Tell your Member of Congress: Protect access to quality health care!

Hospitals and health systems are navigating tough financial times, workforce shortages and soaring inflation. Now, some in Congress are pushing for hundreds of billions of dollars in reductions in patient care. These cuts would jeopardize access to quality care for patients across the country, especially in underserved communities.

Reductions to hospitals will make it harder for patients to get the quality health care they deserve. Send a letter to your Members of Congress to tell them: Protect access to quality health care!
Dear [elected official],

I'm writing to you as a constituent and a supporter of the Coalition to Protect America's Health Care, a community of 2 million people committed to protecting hospitals, health systems, and patient care.

America's hospitals and health systems have been pushed to the brink by broken supply chains, workforce shortages and high inflation. In fact, more than 100 rural hospitals have already closed over the last decade, and many more hospitals across the nation operate in the red.

We cannot have healthy communities without a health care system that provides care for all those who need it. And to do that, hospitals and health systems need the necessary funding -- and patients must be able to access high-quality, affordable care.

Use your voice and your vote to protect hospitals, patients, and the community you serve!

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