We Demand a Clothing Optional Beach in Palm Beach County

There is no family-friendly clothing-optional beach in Palm Beach County despite the thousands of individuals and families that desire to have one. Currently, they are forced to drive over an hour to the South or the North to enjoy nude recreation at the beach without fear of false arrest.
We demand that a public beach or a section of a public beach be set aside for the purpose of a family friendly clothing optional beach in Palm Beach County.



Opdater #17 år siden
As I write you we are now at 199 signatures and are looking for 1,000, so we are well on our way. Thank you for signing the petition! Are you able and willing to send it to a friend or family member and/or share on social media to help reach the goal?
We are working "behind the scenes" to find a suitable family-friendly clothing-optional beach here in Palm Beach County.
Your help has been tremendous in getting us to that reality!
Thank you!
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