Pledge to Avoid Turtleshell Products

Sea turtles are some of the ocean's most unique and important animals. The seven species of sea turtles inhabit every ocean and nest in more than 100 countries. They play valuable roles in ocean habitats, but six of the seven species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered due to human-caused threats.

The trade in shells of sea turtles has reduced the worldwide population of hawksbill turtles by more than 90 percent over the past century and travelers are one of the biggest purchasers of these products.

You can help more turtles survive, though! Take the pledge to avoid turtleshell products!

When traveling in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, or Africa, I pledge to:

  • Shop carefully at souvenir shops and look for and avoid any products made of turtleshell, including bracelets, earrings, rings, guitar picks, combs, and fans
  • Let vendors know that I only purchase from stores that are turtle-friendly
  • Look for and only purchase locally-made and eco-friendly products.
  • Encourage my friends and family to avoid turtleshell products and share this campaign with them and report turtleshell products when I find them online or while traveling.

Sign to help us save sea turtles from the tortoiseshell trade, protect baby turtles, reduce plastic pollution, and support coastal communities.
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