Urge SeaWorld to Send Corky, the Longest-Held Captive Orca in the World, to a Seaside Sanctuary

Although SeaWorld ended its orca-breeding program, this does nothing to help animals like Corky who will continue to swim in circles inside tiny tanks for decades until they die. The company must empty its tanks and release these long-suffering animals into seaside sanctuaries, where they can have some semblance of a natural life.

The only thing that people learn from visiting a SeaWorld theme park is how miserable life is for the animals confined there. Marine parks teach all the wrong lessons: that it's acceptable to imprison animals, to deprive them of freedom of movement and choice, to forbid them the chance to establish their natural territory and explore, to breed and separate them at will, and to watch them go insane from loneliness and frustration.

Help Corky today by taking a moment to sign our petition asking the company to implement a firm and rapid plan to release her to a seaside sanctuary where she will be given some semblance of the natural life that she has been denied for so long.

To whom it may concern: 

I was extremely upset to learn that Corky is still being held captive at SeaWorld, even though a sanctuary in her home waters near her family in British Columbia has already been designed for her. Ending your orca-breeding program was a good step, but it does nothing to help Corky, who will continue to swim in circles in tiny tanks until she dies unless something is done.

At a seaside sanctuary, Corky would have the opportunity to dive deep, swim freely, and potentially even interact with her brother and sister Fife and Ripple. Please immediately set in place a firm and rapid plan to move Corky to a seaside sanctuary so that she could have a semblance of the natural life she's been denied so long, before it's too late.

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