Bats need protection. Defend the Endangered Species Act!

Bats are nature's unsung heroes. Did you know bats, like bees, are champion pollinators? Or that insect-eating species can consume about half their body weight in bugs each night?

Bats are essential to healthy ecosystems. However, bats are under serious threat—and so is one of our best opportunities to protect them. Scientists warn that one million species worldwide, including over 200 bat species, are currently at risk of extinction.

The Endangered Species Act is our most successful conservation law, with a 50-year track record of bringing nearly all listed species back from the brink of extinction, including the Lesser long-nosed bat. Other bats, like the champion pollinators Mexican long-nosed bats, still rely on the ESA's protections. Yet despite the urgent need, there are near-constant attempts to undermine the ESA.

Endangered species, including bats, deserve to survive—and they urgently need help. Add your name to support the Endangered Species Act, and help protect bats from extinction.
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