Remove the ban on pit bulls & return this dog to the owner she saved!

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Hazel Park, Michigan Law Enforcers and Lawmakers

Please sign and share this petition to speak out to Hazel Park, Michigan, authorities and ask them to remove their ban on pit bulls. They must also return the dog that saved her owner's life from domestic violence.

The dog was never a problem for anyone and was saving the human it loves from abuse, but the result is removing the animal from its home and the woman it loves!

Ice is a 2-year old pitbull that was credited with saving her owner, Jamie Kraczkowski, from a domestic abuse altercation with her boyfriend, who was drunk. Jamie was at home and when Ice saw the man beating her, the dog went to protect her by grabbing at his pant leg.

Jamie stated that "Ice was done with him abusing me -- and abusing her." The boyfriend, Jamie Dopke, broke the woman's cell phone, preventing her from calling 911 for help, so she ran out of the home to get away and Ice grabbed the man to protect her. Dopke then turned himself into police and had injuries to his leg due to Ice's protective measures; he is out on bond.

The problem is that Hazel Park has a ban on keeping pit bulls as pets and won't allow Jamie to keep the animal that save her life. Ice is being confined by police until another home can be found. Jamie says, "Thank God they're allowing me to do home quarantine now. But, you know, it's been pretty traumatizing for me and don't feel safe to go back home without Ice."

Help by signing and sharing this petition so that authorities will reconsider and drop the ban on pit bulls!

Hazel Park, Michigan Law Enforcers and Lawmakers, Please reconsider your ban on the pitbull as a pet and drop the ban on this breed. It is acceptable to ask owners of this breed to be registered and trained in caring for the breed in specific situations as warranted but should not be considered a bad dog as a whole. That is so wrong as this animal clearly shows. Return this dog to its owner because it was doing what any loving pet would do and any pet owner should do for its animal; protecting and saving the human that it loves. Remove this ban as a whole and return Ice to the owner it loves!

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