UNICEF Can Bring Preventable Child Deaths to ZERO

UNICEF just announced that the child mortality rate has dropped substantially. That means a child has a better chance of surviving to the age of 5 than just one year ago. And, compared to 20 years ago, around 12,000 more children's lives are saved each day.

However, we cannot forget the chilling fact that approximately 21,000 children still die every day from preventable causes -- and they don't have to. They die from causes most people in the U.S. rarely worry about. Malnutrition. Unsafe drinking water. Lack of a five-cent vaccine. UNICEF is doing whatever it takes to reach a day when the number of children dying from preventable causes is not 21,000 -- it is zero.

Getting to Zero involves everyone pitching in, including the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government's annual contribution to UNICEF is part of America's global investment in children.

Please urge your members of Congress to invest in UNICEF for FY 2012 to save and improve the lives of children around the world.
Please maintain the U.S. Government's annual voluntary contribution to UNICEF

Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to ask you to support $132.25 million for Fiscal Year 2012 as the U.S. Government's voluntary contribution to UNICEF, included in the International Organizations and Programs Account of the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations.

The U.S. Government's support for UNICEF is an effective investment in saving and improving the lives of vulnerable children around the world, and is an example of assistance that reflects our American values.

Since its founding in 1947, UNICEF has saved more children's lives than any humanitarian organization. Thanks to strong, bipartisan House and Senate support for UNICEF and for child survival, the number of children dying before age five from preventable causes has dropped by more than half since 1960. However, 7.6 million children still die every year unnecessarily, and UNICEF continues to work to reach every single vulnerable child.

The funding UNICEF receives in the annual appropriations enables UNICEF to be an indispensable partner of the United States in saving children from preventable deaths, supporting basic education, fighting the impact of HIV/AIDS on children, and protecting children from violence, exploitation, and abuse.

The contribution also enables UNICEF to partner with American service organizations such as Kiwanis International to fight iodine deficiency disorders and maternal and neonatal tetanus, and Rotary International to work for the global eradication of polio. These are examples of successful initiatives that are strongly supported by the American people.

The U.S. contribution to UNICEF is one of the most worthwhile global investments in children we can make, so I encourage you to support $132.25 million for UNICEF in the appropriations for FY 2012, the same amount provided in FY 2011.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you.
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