Tell Trump: Don't Roll Back Environmental Standards

The Trump administration has moved to roll back protections under the 50-year-old National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which means federal agencies would no longer have to consider climate change when assessing environmental impacts of infrastructure projects.

For half a century, NEPA has been instrumental in keeping communities safe from avoidable environmental impacts. Now, projects such as highways and pipelines large contributors to pollution would no longer have to undergo rigorous review to protect Americans from the consequences of potentially dangerous infrastructure projects.

Your voice is needed to prevent the destruction of this landmark environmental law. We cannot let the Trump administration roll back yet another cornerstone of environmental protection.

Make your voice heard and tell Mary B. Neumayr, Chairwoman of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), to stand up for the protection of Americans and ensure NEPA stays intact.

Please keep NEPA intact

Dear [Chairwoman Neumayr],

I strongly oppose the proposal to roll back protections under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA helps protect Americans from the consequences of infrastructure projects such as increased pollution from highway construction or oil spills from pipelines.

For fifty years, NEPA has protected Americans from avoidable environmental impacts that could cause significant damage to their communities. The proposed rule's roll back of this landmark environmental protection is an attack on the wellbeing of Americans in red and blue states alike.

Communities have a right to know about the health and environmental impacts of infrastructure projects that could affect them and federal agencies have a responsibility to minimize those impacts. I ask that you withdraw the proposed rollback of NEPA to ensure that I and every American do not face the consequences of infrastructure projects that have not undergone rigorous environmental review.


[Your Name Here]

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