Lead paint hurts all of us

Lead-based paint disintegrates over time and contaminates dust throughout homes and schools – and there is no safe level of lead exposure. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed tougher standards on lead paint exposure in homes and childcare facilities. Join Earthjustice, the premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization, in advocating for the EPA to finalize this rule today!

For some context, the EPA's lead standards have never been set to identify dangerous levels of lead despite Congress directing the EPA to do so. After two lawsuits brought by Earthjustice attorneys, EPA is finally doing what the law requires. The EPA is finally proposing standards that reflect the lived reality of the clients Earthjustice represents. Their lived reality is that any exposure to lead can result in serious health harms. Every exposure—whether that's from lead dust, water, soil, or air—compounds in our bodies, which increases the likelihood of harm. It's imperative that EPA strengthens its lead paint standards as it works to address lead in drinking water and other sources.

These lead exposures are also an environmental justice issue. This proposed rule would improve public health by reducing lead exposures from dust for up to 436,000 young children per year. The EPA estimates that this rule (if finalized) would result in monetized benefits ranging from $1.1 billion to $4.7 billion per year – all from increased lifetime earnings based on improved cognitive function that will result from implementation of this rule. This rule will particularly benefit children in low-wealth households and Black children, who face disproportionately high exposures to lead dust from paint.

There is no safe level of lead exposure and that's why it's important that the EPA finalizes this proposed rule. Send a letter to the EPA today.
Dear: Environmental Protection Agency,

Docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2023-0231-0001, Please finalize these lead standards today

I am writing to urge you to finalize the new proposed rule for dust-lead standards. This proposal is a gigantic leap forward in this country's long-delayed efforts to eliminate and reduce lead exposures among the millions of people living in residences across the country with lead-based paint, as well as the many children who attend childcare facilities where lead paint is present.

You, the EPA, estimates that this rule (if finalized) would result in monetized benefits ranging from $1.1 billion to $4.7 billion per year – all from increased lifetime earnings based on improved cognitive function that will result from the implementation of this rule. It will also have other significant benefits in avoided adverse health effects in children, including attention-related behavioral problems, reduced post-natal growth, delayed puberty, and decreased kidney function, and avoided adverse health effects in adults, including cardiovascular deaths and reproductive harm. In other words, finalizing this rule will result in significant health and life-improvement benefits.

These lead exposure issues are also an environmental justice issue. This proposed rule would reduce lead exposures for between 217,000 and 436,000 children per year. This rule will particularly benefit children in low-wealth households and Black children, who face disproportionately high exposures to lead dust from paint.

Given the many public health benefits of this rule, it is vital to finalize it as soon as possible.


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