Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act

The current version of the Toxic Substances Control Act, enacted in 1976, has allowed thousands of industrial chemicals -- used in children's products, cleaning products, toys, furniture, electronics and many other products -- to reach consumers without safety testing.

To make matters worse, the law drastically limits the EPA's ability to obtain information from companies about the potential environmental and health effects of the chemicals they produce.

All of this results in our families being at risk of serious health issues from the products we use every day.

The Safe Chemicals Act would require a review of chemicals to ensure their safety, and expand the public's right to know about the health and environmental impacts of chemicals.

We need a major overhall of our chemical laws. Urge your senators to co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act (S. 847) today.
Subject: Co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act (S. 847)

Dear Senator,

The Toxic Substances Control Act, our law regulating the use of industrial chemicals, was enacted in 1976 and is in urgent need of an overhaul. Flaws in this law have allowed thousands of chemicals to be used in consumer products without being fully vetted for safety, while drastically limiting the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to protect the public from unsafe chemicals already in use. I urge you to co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act (S. 847), which would provide much needed reforms to the law, and do everything you can to ensure its swift passage.

With tens of thousands of untested chemicals on the market already, and hundreds more approved each year, we must act now to protect public health. The Safe Chemicals Act would require a review of chemicals to ensure their safety, and expand the public's right to know about the health and environmental impacts of chemicals, their uses in products and other sources of exposure.

Americans should have confidence that they are not being exposed to unsafe chemicals at home, in the workplace or the marketplace. I urge you to co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act.
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