Stop Dirty, Dangerous Offshore Drilling

We have seen firsthand how devastating oil spills from drilling have been for our environment, coastal communities, ocean and the wildlife that depends on it. Even a small accident could lead to a massive oil spill and could cause severe impacts to coastal economies, close commercial and recreational fisheries, foul beaches and shorelines and injure or kill marine mammals, fish and birds. And these impacts could last for decades.

That's why we're calling on our elected leaders to take action and ban the expansion of offshore drilling in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.

This is not a partisan issue; elected officials from both sides of the aisle oppose expanding dirty, dangerous offshore drilling. Now, it's time to take that opposition and put it into law and protect our ocean and coasts from future irreversible harm.

Tell your representatives in Congress to co-sponsor and advance legislation that would provide permanent protections against offshore drilling.

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