Pennsylvanians: Urge Critical Investments in Clean Water!
The next and final phase of Pennsylvania's Clean Water Blueprint is the most critical one yet. But the current plan is drastically underfunded, with an annual shortfall of $257 million.
As our legislators negotiate our state budget, we must tell them that clean rivers and streams in Pennsylvania are not up for negotiation. The full funding of clean water programs is necessary to protect and restore our vital waterways. And our health, economy, and way of life depend on clean water.
Take action now and urge your state senator and representative to support the Pennsylvania Clean Water Blueprint by investing in critical clean water programs.
Your voice will have the greatest impact if you write to your representatives in your own words. Describe how you value clean water in your community. Your comment will be added to the letter below.
Subject: Please Fund Pennsylvania's Clean Water Blueprint
Clean water is critical for Pennsylvania's health, economy, and way of life. And I want to see investments in programs and policies that will clean our vital rivers and streams.
[Your comment will be added here]
Pennsylvania's recently released Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan will help clean our waterways. But the plan can only be successful if it is adequately funded.
I urge you to leave the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund and the Environmental Stewardship Fund untouched in this year's budget as these programs help in the implementation of the plan. We must also adequately fund DEP, DCNR, and Department of Agriculture programming that supports the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan.
Please ensure that programming for clean water is funded so that Pennsylvania can reach our goals for healthy streams and rivers in the Commonwealth.
[Your name]
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