Scientists Agree: Animal Agriculture Hurts Our Planet. But the UN Released a Misleading Report Downplaying This Reality.

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The UN recently released a report that was supposed to highlight the contribution livestock (animal agriculture) has on emissions - but instead, the agency's author cherry-picked their data, leading them to minimize animal farming's clear and devastating impacts on climate change. In doing so, they directly misrepresented scientists' findings, going against research ethics and best practices.

This negligence is not just an oversight; it's a direct threat to our planet's health and the fight against climate change. Sign the petition to demand that the UN correct this reporting problem now!

More than 20 scientists have expressed their outrage at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for failing to revise or retract this report. They assert that this report contains "serious distortions" and "multiple and egregious errors," culminating in a "misuse of our scientific data." Specifically, the FAO downplayed the devastating effects of animal agriculture. In doing so, the FAO is also minimizing the positive impacts of dietary changes away from meat consumption.

Livestock farming contributes around 25% of total greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, researchers have found clear evidence that shifting dietary habits would be a tremendously powerful way to reduce emissions. In fact, they discovered that up until now, previous reports have underestimated the incredible benefits of dietary shifts and reduced livestock farming by a shocking factor of up to 40! However, the FAO has brushed aside researchers' concerns with vague responses, leaving scientists frustrated and unheard.

This is not merely an academic issue; this is about our future. The FAO has the power to influence global agricultural policies and practices, and right now, they are falling short. It must prioritize rigorous scientific standards and, in doing so, it must acknowledge the clear evidence: reducing meat consumption is essential for mitigating climate change and protecting our planet.

We cannot allow the FAO to perpetuate the myth that livestock farming is harmless. Sign the petition to demand that the UN withdraw this current misleading emissions report and release a new report that accurately reflects the environmental harm caused by animal agriculture and emphasizes the necessity of dietary change.
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