Fight Climate Change! by Helping Coal Miners Get Better Jobs outside the Mines

Our proposal pays for new jobs and healthcare. It needs less than 1% of the $3 trillion which HR 763 expects to collect in the first 10 years.

This proposal provides substantial money for a fair transition. The ideas are described in a draft paper at These ideas will develop over time and need discussion and improvements from all over coal country.

  • Coal mining jobs will disappear, because coal-fired power plants will no longer be economically feasible after 10 years, especially under any climate legislation.
  • 2018 had the lowest use of coal since 1979, and was the second highest year ever for retirements of coal plants.
  • Many miners are in isolated areas, where there are no other jobs.
  • We must not clean the air on the backs of workers.

HR 763 is the proposed Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. It will (A) charge a fee on CO2, (B) pay all the money out in dividends to every American, and (C) establish payments at US borders to give US companies a level playing field, and induce other countries to cut CO2 at the same time. 

There is a comparison of HR 763 and eight other Congressional proposals at No other proposal comes close to offering the level of support needed by coal workers and communities.

We will take this petition to Congress, and if you want to do more, please email or tweet to your newspapers, and email to Congress directly, at

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